Definition polymath
Definition polymath

definition polymath

So! We have a general idea of what a polymath is. In Western Europe, the first work to use polymathy in its title (De Polymathia tractatio: integri operis de studiis veterum) was published in 1603 by Johann von Wower, a Hamburg philosopher. Let’s get a little Greek, shall we? The following image illustrates the origins of a polymath (thanks Google!):

definition polymath

Sounds amazing, right? I aspire to be all of them at once. A Polygraph is an author who writes in multiple fields. Polyglotism is having an affinity to learn multiple languages. Every day is a different topic, every minute is a different thought and every second you could be learning something completely different.There are a few similarities with other words. Have you heard that phrase before?Ī polymath, or expert-generalist, is someone who satisfies their undying curiosity by branching out to multiple fields. Would it be about philosophy, its inner workings and how it empowers us as individuals? Or, would it be about money, and how it plays such a big part in our lives?Ī Jack of All Trades, Master of None. I had to ask myself a question: in what direction should I go towards? This process aids the individual in shortening the “learning curve” in the pursuit of achieving the mastery of a given subject.I had the epiphany to turn this blog into a home for the Polymath: one who knows a broad range of things. We experience the self-assurance and self-confidence offered in life by, adding the working knowledge, understanding and wisdom of a new subject, to a growing body of organized and integrated life knowledge, in the field of understanding the self and reality. In the natural and systematic process of learning, known as the Trivium and Quadrivium. We can employ a similar mechanical production line to our learning process, in the form of a natural sequence of Identifying the parts of the whole, organizing those parts and creating useable rhetoric and applicable wisdom. Learning a repeatable method to learn anything, is the 1st step on the journey to experiencing the serenity and self-assurance of trusting ones own five senses and thought process. The repeated application of the process of learning new subjects with a minimum of effort, leads to acquiring a diverse knowledge base and useable skills across multiple mediums and diverse subjects.

definition polymath

Our desired result as an Autodidact Polymath is to be empowered with tools & techniques that facilitate the ability to freely learn any subject for oneself, without relying on the appeal to false authority. Like a factory churning widgets in a predictable, repeatable way of achieving the desired result. Take the required action necessary to rectify the causal factors.Īutodidact’s have employed (whether implicitly or explicitly) a systematic process of learning when embarking upon the journey of educating ones-self in the area of an unknown subject. Understand the causal factors of the problem. Renaissance Men and Women:Ĭare enough to recognize the problem.

definition polymath

The Goal: To provide the foundational tools that aid on the journey of becoming a renaissance man. Polymath: A polymath (Greek polymathēs, “having learned much”) is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. [From Greek autodidaktos, self- taught : auto-, auto- + didaktos, taught.

Definition polymath